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6 hours ago, TotallyOz said:

I was disappointed with Hillary's choice of VP.  I would have liked to see an olive branch to the liberal base. They are getting nothing in this election.  Nothing. 

This liberal wants her to win. Liberals are already onboard for her. If her VP pick can bring other voters in, I'm all for it.

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1 minute ago, AdamSmith said:

This liberal wants her to win. Liberals are already onboard for her. If her VP pick can bring other voters in, I'm all for it.

I am pretty fucking liberal myself and I want her to win. But, all of my ultra liberal friends (aka Bernie supporters) need an olive branch to be led to the altar.

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Just now, TotallyOz said:

I am pretty fucking liberal myself and I want her to win. But, all of my ultra liberal friends (aka Bernie supporters) need an olive branch to be led to the altar.

You think they will stay home and risk the Donald?

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1 minute ago, TotallyOz said:

To be honest, I am just really worried.  I think there might be an upset.  Trump has a country of idiots.  Remember, they voted for Bush Jr.

Same here. I don't like Kaine much but I like the odds that he will bring centrist votes to the ticket that Hillary alone might not draw.

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From that article I linked above:

If Clinton had needed to appease her own party base, she would have chosen Elizabeth Warren, the Massachusetts senator who most echoed Bernie Sanders, or Tom Perez, the labor secretary who would have been the first Latino on a major presidential ticket.

Instead, the Kaine pick suggests Clinton believes she can reach into Republican states where the polls are already looking positive.

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I don't know. I think Warren will be able to do a whole lot more good in the Senate, where she can actually DO things, as opposed to the bucket-of-warm-piss VP role.

Like, Barney Frank observed that Warren has (in sharp contrast to get-nothing-done Bernie) done loads of good protecting Dodd-Frank from Republican efforts to water it down. Etc.

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9 hours ago, TotallyOz said:

I know that is her plan.  I just don't think that she knows yet how many will stay home.  If that happens, she is screwed. 

I'm a party man.  I'll vote the party ticket.   But, I wish she had chosen Warren.


Warren would have been a terrible pick. Stop worrying and stop listening to your friends and read the actual polls. She needs the rust belt, middle America, the white working class males. That's where she's in trouble, more than she needs Bernie supporters. Polls are already showing that not nearly as many of the "Never Hillary" fanatics are staying away as previoiusly thought, and we haven't even gotten to the convention yet. She has Warren, to bring those fringe voters in, and hopefully if Bernie can ever get over the fact that he got his ass wiped in the primaries, maybe he'll go out and help her a little too, but I'm not holding my breath, after all, he and Jane are probably still working on their taxes. :rolleyes: She needs to up her poll numbers in the critical swing states like Iowa, Wisconsin, Virginia, Ohio, PA and yes, even Florida would help. Despite the Trump campaigns constant fuck ups, she can't pull ahead of him in many of those swing states. It's imperative that she put a few more percentage points between them. "Within the margin of error" tends to make donors and voters nervous.

Listening to friends can get you worked into a frenzy, but the electorial map doesn't lie. She has several paths to victory, whereas the Dumpster has to win Ohio, and what did he just do, Oh that's right, he and his sidekick Manafort told the very popular governor of Ohio to go fuck off...:o great move.

 So stop worrying, there aren't enough white votes to put the Dumpster over the top. He is polling 0% with African Americans and is 15 points behind her with the womans vote. Hillary's got this.:D

When all is said and done Kaine is a brilliant pick. Nobody is perfect, but Kaine is almost there. Go back and read Kaine's bio. He has quite the record on file. More than anything she needed someone the Republicans couldn't touch, and by the looks of it, she nailed this one. They were struggling on FOX News today to find something bad to say about him.

Oh listen to me, going on and on about nothin. I sound like JD. :o

And excuse me if you fine spelling errors, the last time I tried spell check around here, it deleted my post, so I ain't takin any more of those chances. ;)


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1 hour ago, MsAnn said:

Warren would have been a terrible pick. Stop worrying and stop listening to your friends and read the actual polls. She needs the rust belt, middle America, the white working class males. That's where she's in trouble, more than she needs Bernie supporters. Polls are already showing that not nearly as many of the "Never Hillary" fanatics are staying away as previoiusly thought, and we haven't even gotten to the convention yet. She has Warren, to bring those fringe voters in, and hopefully if Bernie can ever get over the fact that he got his ass wiped in the primaries, maybe he'll go out and help her a little too, but I'm not holding my breath, after all, he and Jane are probably still working on their taxes. :rolleyes: She needs to up her poll numbers in the critical swing states like Iowa, Wisconsin, Virginia, Ohio, PA and yes, even Florida would help. Despite the Trump campaigns constant fuck ups, she can't pull ahead of him in many of those swing states. It's imperative that she put a few more percentage points between them. "Within the margin of error" tends to make donors and voters nervous.

Listening to friends can get you worked into a frenzy, but the electorial map doesn't lie. She has several paths to victory, whereas the Dumpster has to win Ohio, and what did he just do, Oh that's right, he and his sidekick Manafort told the very popular governor of Ohio to go fuck off...:o great move.

 So stop worrying, there aren't enough white votes to put the Dumpster over the top. He is polling 0% with African Americans and is 15 points behind her with the womans vote. Hillary's got this.:D

When all is said and done Kaine is a brilliant pick. Nobody is perfect, but Kaine is almost there. Go back and read Kaine's bio. He has quite the record on file. More than anything she needed someone the Republicans couldn't touch, and by the looks of it, she nailed this one. They were struggling on FOX News today to find something bad to say about him.

Oh listen to me, going on and on about nothin. I sound like JD. :o

And excuse me if you fine spelling errors, the last time I tried spell check around here, it deleted my post, so I ain't takin any more of those chances. ;)


Everything he said. :wub:

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I see the ticket as pretty boring.  I am OK with that. But, I'd like to have seen someone else as VP.  I'll live with this ticket but it is not what I wanted.  But, I didn't expect much more from her.  I am a real liberal and would love to see the party move in that direction.  I think Bernie accomplished a lot but there is still a long way to go.  I wanted Hillary at the top of the ticket this go around.  But, I just hoped that she would make a better choice for VP.

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2 hours ago, TotallyOz said:

I see the ticket as pretty boring.  I am OK with that. But, I'd like to have seen someone else as VP.  I'll live with this ticket but it is not what I wanted.  But, I didn't expect much more from her.  I am a real liberal and would love to see the party move in that direction.  I think Bernie accomplished a lot but there is still a long way to go.  I wanted Hillary at the top of the ticket this go around.  But, I just hoped that she would make a better choice for VP.


I believe under the circumstances it was the perfect choice. This is no time for idealism, this is a time for reality. This is about winning the election. It's a chess game, nothing more. This is a time when outmaneuvering your opponent takes precedence over all else. The reality is that Politics is a messy and corrupt business, pretending otherwise would be foolish. I like Warren, I like Bernie, they embody what many in politics should strive for, but this is not their time, they would not have served her purpose, and very likely would have lost her the election, and then where would we be, standing on our principles, watching the Republicans take us back 50 years.


Ok, I know, a little preachy. MsAnn exits stage left.

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Moore is right to try and scare lefties into being sure they get out and vote.

But his portrayal of the rabid devotedness of Trump supporters is at great odds with journalists' reports of what actually goes on at Trump rallies. Dave Eggers for instance did a long piece on how big crowds come to see the showman, but then start drifting away midway through his speechifying. Lots of rubbernecking interest to see the freak show; not so much committed participation.

And what MsAnn said above: polls measuring overall lumped-together voter sentiment are one thing; the math & path through the electoral college is quite another. He ain't got it.

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Thank you Adam Smith for your posts. And Oz, AS is spot on. Much of what you see the media broadcasting on TV is the overblown hype from his rallies and the hysterical fear of a Clinton presidency. Moore is not entirely incorrect, but you have to realize that part of Moore's motivation is to make sure that the left doesn't become complacent thinking that the election will be a slam dunk for Hillary. He wants people to be nervous about a Trump presidency. Dan Rather has been saying the same thing for weeks now.

And it is interesting to note that at the bottom of MM's article, he says: (Next week I will post my thoughts on Trump’s Achilles Heel and how I think he can be beat.)

More than anything, Moore is playing the "Devils Advocate" and trying to drive a narrative. He wants people to start thinking and being engaged in the process, that's his motive, well that and making money of course, but I've never faulted him for that. :P


Oh and the RNC convention? Despite the hype and all the talk of Trump being the "showman" and knowing how to work the media, viewership was down, not up as Trump claims, even though Ivanka began peddling her outfit shortly afterwards. Well I don't actually blame her for that. That girl can walk a 6" pump. :o

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