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Guest tomcal


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Taking 5 days off in Feb and going to meet floridarob in the city he lives in part of the year, in Mexico! Under penalty of death i cant disclose the city as he doesnt want this place spoiled by Americans throwing money around telling the guys how much this would cost in the U.S.( which happened in Rio by a american trying to impress i am not sure who!)! I can say its not a tourist destination or beach city but he swears every guy in town is on Grindr! He has sent me pics and i am impressed! The cost is between free and $10.00!!! I cant wait!

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Taking 5 days off in Feb and going to meet floridarob in the city he lives in part of the year, in Mexico! Under penalty of death i cant disclose the city as he doesnt want this place spoiled by Americans throwing money around telling the guys how much this would cost in the U.S.( which happened in Rio by a american trying to impress i am not sure who!)! I can say its not a tourist destination or beach city but he swears every guy in town is on Grindr! He has sent me pics and i am impressed! The cost is between free and $10.00!!! I cant wait!

Enjoy and can't wait for your feedback...I'm not attracted to move Mexicans here in the states but can't wait to hear what the ones in whatever town you are visiting are like....

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Nope! Guadalajara has a well known gay scene. I consider myself something of a expert on geography and I had never heard of this city! Just isn't on anybody's radar yet! He found it about 4years ago and been telling me about it ever since. It will be a nice prelude to my next trip to Brazil in March.

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