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Guest zipperzone

There's a New Twinky in Town

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Guest zipperzone

Any of you who watched "The People's Choice Awards" last week will have seen the latest twink

who is poised to dethrone our little Bieber.

His name is Shawn Mendes, 17 years old (won't be 18 until August) who also hails from Canada.

Google his name and wipe the slobber off of your keyboard.

As a side note, I read somewhere that the Biebs was tossed out of a Mexican tourist attraction at "Tulum" for attempting to scale a security fence. The interesting part is that it was reported that he "dropped his underwear" in protest. :hyper:

Where are the cameras when you need them?

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Guest zipperzone

Very attractive. Can he sing? Any other attributes?

Best regards,


Yes - he has a very good voice, plays the guitar and for other attributes - - - well I guess one could mention his smokin' good looks.

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