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Robotic Butt Offers Prostate Exam Training For Medical Students: How ‘Patrick’ Teaches Empathy, Proper Technique

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To repeat myself: My doc who is a "real country doc" said to me, "don't worry unless you feel BOTH of my hands on your shoulders". ^_^

Best regards,


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AS, trust you to be the first to alert us to the possibilities presented here. Top this off with a cluster of micro-actuators to complement the sensors, a plug in for a PC, some creative programming modeled on a few of our best beloved escorts and the sky's the limit.

How about we check out crowd funding sites like Indiegogo and Kickstarter and see what we can get going. I can foresee big bucks here, buddy, so let's not sleep on this. Some Silicon Valley nerd and his greed head venture capital backers might get the jump on us!

Seriously, dude, we'll both be biting our pillows if we miss out on the next big thing!

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I know, AS, I know! It's just a matter of putting together off the shelf technology. Tweek it a bit, open up Amazon and Pay Pal accounts and we're off to the races (not to mention Saint Petersburg, Sao Paulo and Bankok).

We gotta get on this horse and ride it 'till it drops!


OZ, I love you buddy but you steal this and I'll buy me one of those portable oxygen machines and hunt you down. Swear to God, I'll do it. Consider yourself warned!

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AS, wake up boy, you're smarter than that! :pinch:

The key to this is to do it on other peoples money. That's what Indiegogo is for, you ninny!

I read a news story just last week about this whack job that crowd sourced cash deep into 7 figures to develop a combo boom box, beer dispenser and food cooler for camping trips. And the only thing he promised his investors was to send them one of the first few thousand production coolers after he figured out how to do it.


I mean SERIOUSLY, we could both buy penthouse condos in Thailand and retire for life, just on the development money.

Hell, we could probably even steal lure away Oz's two BFs and swap them off with each other for variety. :P

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