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New Poll Reveals Millennials More Accepting Of Homosexuality Than Casual Sex

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We were just saying yesterday how great are the aspects of social acceptance being driven by generational change. More evidence.

New Poll Reveals Millennials More Accepting Of Homosexuality Than Casual Sex

An expansive new study conducted by the Public Religion Research Institute set out to explore how race and religion shape millennial attitudes on sexuality and reproductive health.

They found that nearly half (46%) of college-educated millennials say that sex between two adults who have no intention of establishing a relationship is morally acceptable whereas 51% say that sex between two adults of the same gender is morally acceptable.

The study also discovered that no group faces more negative social judgment than transgender people. Nearly half (47%) of millennials say that transgender people face a lot of stigma in their community.


Other interesting findings:

  • More than eight in ten millennials say that health insurance should include coverage for HIV and STD testing (87%) and prescription contraception (82%)
  • Fewer than three in ten millennials say that gay or lesbian people (29%) or a woman who has had an abortion (24%) face a lot of stigma in their community
  • A majority (53%) of millennials say the country has gotten pretty seriously off on the wrong track, compared to 45% who say it is going in the right direction.
  • Three-quarters (75%) of millennials favor teaching comprehensive sex education in public schools, while 21% are opposed.

The Washington Post keenly observes, “That homosexuality is viewed as being as or more acceptable than all of these things shows how quickly the paradigm has shifted on these issues.”


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