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Please don't shoot the messenger Suckrates - when MsGuy breaks out the bible passages - you know he's squirming for answers. :lol:

Actually MsGuy's bible passages are coded messages directed at me and my atheism that he knows is just waiting to burst out into a religious conversion.


Get your decoder ring fixed! :ph34r:

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Guest callipygian

Actually MsGuy's bible passages are coded messages directed at me and my atheism that he knows is just waiting to burst out into a religious conversion.

Get your decoder ring fixed! :ph34r:

That's the great thing about religion - it's always subject to personal interpretation! One man's Eve is another man's Steve.

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ms.jpg Well, I'll be!

Haven't really believed you were BVB since the writing styles seemed different somehow. But it sounds like I'm hearing it from the horse's mouth. Neigh?

I'm delighted if it is you coming over here so that I don't have to worry what I'm missing over there. Two websites have been too much to juggle lately and if one of my faves from Daddy's is making guest appearances over here, my travel time is cut considerably. :rolleyes:



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