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Preparing trip to Brazil Nov 20 to Dec 5

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If Euro continues to fall, maybe I will only be able to afford one boy ... except is $R falls more. For USA visitors Brazil must be quite cheap nowadays ! Now I need to define where to go in Brazil. Rio and Porto Alegre of course but where else ...

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Guest riosul77

If Euro continues to fall, maybe I will only be able to afford one boy ... except is $R falls more. For USA visitors Brazil must be quite cheap nowadays ! Now I need to define where to go in Brazil. Rio and Porto Alegre of course but where else ...

Might I suggest Curitiba, Pauleiro?

I love the city and would seriously consider living there if only it had a beach. The city is quite different than other Brazilian cities, in a positive sense. It has a European feel, or like Buenos Aires.

Lots of parks, large and small, a great walking city. Curitiba is famous for its efficient public transportation system. For example, they have a tour bus system with double deck buses. You buy a book of tickets, 30 R., and get on and off the buses at any of the tourist locations that interest you . The buses run in a continual circuit about every 15 minutes.

There is a strong German, Polish/Ukrainian, Italian community influence and this is reflected in their respective areas and ethnic cuisine. Good shopping at a huge mall converted from the former central train station. On Sunday there is a street fair in the historical centro blocks and blocks, think Ipanema hippy fair but not so tacky and boring.

The boys. Curitiba is a university town , lots of boys. There are two saunas of interest that I know of. Arrive fairly early for the best selection of boys . Sauna 520 in particular is a hang out for the locals later in the evening. 520 is relatively small , very clean, with all the amenities, including a small indoor pool. The other sauna of note is Club 773 bar e sauna, larger with a good size bar area. There is a shower area behind glass aka Thermas Mezzaninu for boy viewing. (Such showers should be mandatory at all boy saunas). This is a relatively new place so confirm in advance that it still exists should you visit.

There are others but not familiar with them. Ask any of the guys at 520 for bars or other saunas.

Boys run the gambit but many are lighter, more European looking , consistent with Curitiba's southern location.

Curitiba is an hour away from Rio and I find booking GOL the best price if booked well in advance. The airport is quite a way from the city so about a 80 R. taxi fare.

I stay at the Slaviero Conceptual Palace hotel, there are several Slavieo hotels, a local polish chain, I think. The Palace is on a quiet but central pedestrian street near a nice praca. Small but impeccably clean and modern rooms. I book a superior. Do not know of guest in room policy never do that.

Anyway, I like the city, the climate is cooler than Rio and its a nice change from the hustle and bullshit of Rio / S.P.

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Thank you Riosiul for suggestion. I already considered going to Curitiba which is well known for its architectural pattern. Boywise, I am sure I would love boys there as I do in Porto Alegre. I just cannot think of not going to Porto Alegre during the week end and I really wonder if there are boys in the Curitiba sauna during the week (ie from monday to Thursday). On the other hand discovery a new sauna with glassy showers... woowwww

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About four years ago I went to Fortaleza. It remains one of my favorite memories of Brazil. The beaches are huge and warm, but there is a non stop breeze that just wraps you up in a clean, free feeling. I loved it. While there I went to what I think is the best sauna in Brazil, facility-wise that I have visited, the Dragon Club. The garotos were great, if not numerous, but overall an experience I will build on soon with a return trip.

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