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For me it was a love hate relationship

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Jeremy Clarkson, host of “Top Gear,” fired by BBC


clarkson top gear

Signs are increasingly pointing to Jeremy Clarkson’s exit from the BBC. After The Telegraph reported late Tuesday night that the controversial Top Gear host would be fired today, The Guardian now says it has confirmed that his contract will not be renewed — it comes due at the end of the month. The BBC isn’t officially commenting until a formal announcement is made which is expected to come from Director General Tony Hall later today. “When we have an outcome, we will announce it,” the BBC said. The corporation earlier this week pulled Top Gear Live events that Clarkson was due to attend this weekend. He was suspended from the hugely popular motoring show on March 10 following a so-called “fracas” with a BBC producer.

Interest in the outcome of an inquiry into the dust-up has been at fever pitch for over two weeks. The Telegraph and Guardian reports say that the investigation has found the host verbally abused the producer for 20 minutes, before physically assaulting him for 30 seconds.

Clarkson himself tweeted this morning that he hasn’t “heard a thing” (see below). On Friday, he had written, “Many many thanks to all of the people who have called for my reinstatement. I’m very touched. We shall all learn next week what will happen.”


Simply put, he was just brilliant at what he did, a delight to watch, and came into my living room via the telly on a regular basis.... On more than one occasion, I would hit some back road, driving way too fast, pushing the limits of my driving skills, fantasizing in my mind that I had a red 599 under foot, hearing the sequel of tires, and pretending that the rear end had come loose and imagining I had saved it. BUT, fantasies aside, he made homophobic and racist comments, even after being warned on numerous occasions. I will miss his brilliant impromptu humor, but not those comments that just made you cringe, and made you wonder why you watched at all. So in the end, I think I knew, his departure, was all so inevitable. And yes, despite everything, I admit, I will miss him, and from this gay man, MsAnn wishes him well.


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Some friends in NZ referred to the actors on Top Gear as "those clowns" but I think they had an even lower regard for the American version of this show. Let's not take entertainment too seriously folks and that includes the actors.

Best regards,


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The American version is an embarrassment. Top Gear was one of the BBC's highest rated shows world wide with Clarkson pulling down well into the seven figures, and a multi-year waiting list just to be in the audience. Apparently some people thoroughly enjoyed the show.

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Enjoying a production of any kind is fine with me. Just be sure and take the entertainment and entertainers as a diversion from "real life" which can be a good thing. ^_^

Best regards,


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Enjoying a production of any kind is fine with me. Just be sure and take the entertainment and entertainers as a diversion from "real life" which can be a good thing. :smile:

Best regards,


Indeed. It was not my intent to give another impression. I am a bit of a self described 'motor head' however, and as a result, I thoroughly enjoyed the show, minus the racist and homophobic comments of course. :D

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I am a bit of a self described 'motor head' however, and as a result, I thoroughly enjoyed the show, minus the racist and homophobic comments of course. :D

I binge-watched it on Netflix a couple years ago and enjoyed it, mostly the parts where they put super cars through their paces. I'm sure this is as close as I'll ever get to a Bugatti Veyron.

Just went back to see what was left on Netflix and it looks like their latest stuff is mostly 'theme' shows. I recall lots of those featuring Jeremy Clarkson blathering his way around Europe, kind of like a British Rodney Dangerfield.


I hope they relaunch the show with someone else in his place. Perhaps someone a little more mature and less confrontational. :rolleyes:


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Many thanks Lookin, that was absolutely delightful to watch again, and I must admit that if some higher power would say to me that I could have a brand new Veyron, but never have sex again...well I would be hard pressed for an answer. I would definitely need a minute to think about it. :yes:

Methinks that the show will die a quiet death without the 'Three Musketeers'. How they played off each other catapulted the show to astounding numbers and profits for the BBC. A million signatures and counting to bring him back. I read where the victim never reported the incident and it was Clarkson himself who reported it to the powers that be. I will venture a guess, that after a cooling off period they find a way to bring him back, racism and homophobia not withstanding.

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Guest zipperzone

Presuming I could afford one - which I can't - I would be loathe to park it anywhere for fear of getting it dinged or perhaps even vandalized by some punks. And as the Super Sport model sells for well over two million $$$, can you just imagine what the annual insurance cost would be?

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I wonder the same thing when I see folks in a 100,000+ car. Do they drive it to the super market? Movie theater? At the very least they will get door dings and pretty easily worse. I have seen people park as far away from the store as possible, presumably to avoid being next to another car. But, that seems to be similar to painting a target on the car or a sign that says, "hit me".

Best regards,


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OK, I give up. Why? Electric cars are using second or third hand "power" + if lead based paint is so bad, how good are lead batteries? Etc. My point is that nuclear power plants seem like a really good idea until one has to dispose of the spent uranium rods. Is there some chance electric cars might have a similar Albatross?

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I also read something about how not even counting the small problem of what to do with spent fission products, nuke energy is a lot less clean than thought once you count in the energy-intensive costs of processing nuclear fuels to reactor-grade readiness in the first place.

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