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Guest tomcal

Movie American Sniper

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I just saw the movie and imho, it's the best movie I have seen in a long time and think both Bradley Cooper and Clint Eastwood will be serious contenders for Oscars! That it is based on a true story makes it all the more interesting.

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I've been wondering if I should go see this one.

I think TomCal's thumbs up just pushed me over the brink. Time to crank my saggy ass into gear and make the 30 mile drive to the nearest picture show.

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Still can't get Clint's little stunt at the Republican National Convention out of my head. I suppose I could let bygone be bygones, and just go see the movie, but it's more fun to dislike him. I just hate to support the movie, by giving him some of my hard earned disability money.


"The wackadoodle"

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