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Guest slackersam

McCain Suspending Campaign

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Guest slackersam

Anyone else want to call "Bullshit" on McCain's latest campaign stunt?


The dude has admitted that he does not understand economics - so how the fuck is him flying back to washington supposed to help fix the economy?


What an asshat dochnozzle.

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Well, before John goes back, he ought to have Sarah shoot a few meese (plural of moose....although Edwin Meese would do and would be about the same poundage) and then he can open up a meat market in DC to replenish the treasury. Let's see, you'd only have to sell 1200 pounds of moose meat at at little over $580,000,000 per pound to recoup the 700 billion bailout package.

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Guest GaySacGuy

The label you placed STUNT is sure correct. I am sure that he would like to find a way to not debate Obama, but this is stupid.


He is only going there to cover his ass...and to get attention just like a little child. I can see the headlines already:


McCain Leads Bailout of USA


Screw him and the horse he rode in on!!!

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Guest slackersam

It looks like a stunt that backfired.


If you go to YouTube you can find nine and a half minutes of David Letterman pummeling McCain last night.


"This is not the way a tested war hero behaves," Dave says at one point and later on calls McCain a liar.



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It looks like a stunt that backfired.


If you go to YouTube you can find nine and a half minutes of David Letterman pummeling McCain last night.


"This is not the way a tested war hero behaves," Dave says at one point and later on calls McCain a liar.


Do you honestly think the people that will vote for McCain watch letterman? They are all in bed getting ready for early morning prayer meetings.


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Guest GaySacGuy
Do you honestly think the people that will vote for McCain watch letterman? They are all in bed getting ready for early morning prayer meetings.

In bed with a bottle of whiskey, their three wives, and their two daughters!!!

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