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EXPANDED federal anti smoking law in Brazil

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Below is a link to an article (in English) that discusses a new federal law that became effective two days ago in all of Brazil.

For several years, smokers were confined to a separate area of public facilities where their smoking was fairly well controlled, in my opinion.

Now, with this new federal law, there is no more separate area for smoking - there is no smoking allowed in public facilities - period.


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This is marvelous; it's a great step to have been taken. But guess what? As one who abhors smelling cigarette and/or cigar and other tobacco smoke, strangely enough I was never bothered by it while I was in various parts of Brasil from 2002 through 2011. I do not know what it was but am grateful and elated that smoking did not hinder my cultural and play experiences!

Again, I am elated that this move was made; it's better for all!!

[My next trip to "MOTHER BRASIL" has been tentatively planned during 2016 after the Olympics!]

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