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Another SLAM from Daddy's Crew

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Just popped in to see what was going on over at Daddy's, and the first thing I noticed was a post about a recent banning of one of their "esteemed" members.

As the post progressed, it took a turn, and many members started to say why they NO LONGER participate


WHY you may ask ? Well, it seems Boytoy members are obsessed with Twinks. Imagine that !

But the question arose: why is an obsession with Twinks any different that an obession with "scruffy hirsuitness" ....?

That has always been a problem with most of the Daddy participants.... they have tunnel vision and dont see the idiocy of their comments relating to their OWN obsessions.....

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In all fairness, Sucky, it was only the estimable Jimboivyo who took a real swipe at BoyToy.

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In all fairness, Sucky, it was only the estimable Jimboivyo who took a real swipe at BoyToy.

Not so, Re-read Missy, there were comments from Several Daddy particpants about the BoyToy site.... Who really pays any attention to Jimbo anyway.? Everyone knows what HIS agenda is.....

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I don't read the thread that way, Sucky. Sorry about that. :lol:

As to who pays attention to Jimbo, well apparently we do! :P

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I don't read the thread that way, Sucky. Sorry about that. :lol:

As to who pays attention to Jimbo, well apparently we do! :P

Hey Missy, no worries, if we started to agree on things, i would be a little worried.

Yes Jimbo threw the first stone, but then the comments from William and armadillo are the ones that stood out to me.

Apparently Boytoy is known as the site "that caters to five people", which strikes me odd since Daddys site is also a site whose participation is limited to the SAME handful of commentators, although its overall membership may be larger.

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Are you speaking of this post by armadillo?

Well here is a twinkie from that dreadful(!) 'other' site, catering to those 'same 5 folks':


I read that as more of a swipe at Jimboi than any attempt to low-rate this site. (note the link is to one of Jimboi's posts over here promoting BN)

Even William's post simply states that he doesn't participate here and doesn't like twinks, and then goes on to slap Jimboi as a cranky trouble maker.

I have not looked at the other site in years. I am not interested in twinks. But, I am also not interested, as you are, in damning someone else's sexual desires as long as the twink is of legal age.


As I read the relevant part of the thread in question, Unicorn quite reasonably grumbled that without warning he was slapped with a time out for violating a section of the TOS that (arguably) may exist only in Daddy's head. He reckoned that a polite clarification by PM would have served just as well.

One thing led to another, as these things usually do, and Jimboi, bless his brown nosing heart, jumped in to point out that there was no alternative to Daddy's as the scumbags over here were an incestuous set of five pederasts forever nattering on to each other [my paraphrase].

Honestly I didn't see a whole lot of support for Jimboi posted although I grant that most were defending twink loving rather than BoyToy. :lol:

Guest zipperzone

I can't believe that anyone could be interested in this shit


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LOL, I know, I know, Zipper.

I'm just constitutionally unable to let Sucky get in the last word.

:P I suspect Sucky may suffer from the same character flaw.


In all fairness, Sucky, it was only the estimable Jimboivyo who took a real swipe at BoyToy.

It is often hard when one gets older and moves from twink to manly man. But, IMHO, he has done that very well and although he takes digs at this site, he knows we all here still love him (regardless of his agenda) and we even allow discussions on this site about some of his favorite topics.

Anyone seen any new photos of Ben lately? I know not a twink, but he is a very sexy man.

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LOL, I know, I know, Zipper.

I'm just constitutionally unable to let Sucky get in the last word.


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flexarmsidebn_Fotor.jpg#Ageless (well, for now at least) LOL BN's own label dated 9/25

Not too shabby for an old dude. :thumbsup: I think he's kinda sexy.


I first found Daddy's from a link on BN's blog and I first found MER from a link on Daddy's, so really I owe a lot of fun over the past few years to Ben. I never did quite understand why folks over on Daddy's would work themselves into a frenzy at the mere mention of his name (but I have to admit it was fun to watch).

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Benjamin Nicholas = a highly controversial escort based in San Antonio, Texas. You'll have to ask some one else for the details of why posters on the two boards get so worked up over him. Some think BN the best thing since the invention of lube; others curse him as the vilest spawn of hell ever.

Here is a link to his blog 15minutesmore if you're interested in checking him out. He used to have a dedicated escort site but I can't find it right this minute. RA1 could send you the address if you care to PM him.

PS. Hope you are feeling better. :hug:


Benjamin Nicholas = a highly controversial escort based in San Antonio, Texas.

Whew. I thought you were headed into BN = Jimbo area. That would not be good to start that up again. We know that they are 2 different people.


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I'm confused. :huh: I guess it's sort of like a personalized license plate. I'll try twice to understand it, and if it still doesn't make any sense, then I just figure it was some inside joke, and wasn't meant for me. :yes:

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Whew. I thought you were headed into BN = Jimbo area.

:lol: Naw, I pretty much limit my role in the Great BN Wars to that of interested observer. I was a newbie to board posting back when they first broke out and had never seen the like.


Truth be told, it was fascinating the way people on Daddy's would harrow each other from thread to thread berating each other over BN. Seems like the anti-BN crowd had an edge in numbers but the pro side make it up in vitriol. 1

I mean for a good two years even the most tangential mention of Ben was enough to reduce the site to nuclear rubble. :nuke: After a while some of us would post side bets on how long it would take for Daddy to start locking down threads and putting folks in time out. If I remember it right a couple of times he even shut down the whole site to get folks to calm down.

Like I said, this ole country boy had never seen the like.


1 I don't mean RA1, of course. His posts in defence of BN were always models of cool reason (whew...almost fucked up on that one. :pinch: ).


I've always thought BN was extremely hot. I just think his ego gets in his way occasionally just based on observation only not through any other way. I guess anyone who has such ardent admirers have difficulty in dealing with that over time.

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Thanks for the kind words, MsGuy. The whole long episode was indeed silly, but apparently feelings continue to run high on both or all sides. Everyone is whoever they are and posts will not change a thing.

Best regards,


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