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Secrets about straight guys. . .

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If you hate DW so much, why do you watch him? Just curious.

Best regards,


CURIOUS to see if he has something important to say..... The same reason I watch the Kardashians......

AND the fact that it is HERE, and I am HERE, so forces collide.....

Hope my reply satisifed your curiousity ??? :thumbsup:

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I think he's kinda cute. Admittedly a little queeny, but in a good way. :queen: And I'm with Mr. Expat, I too would like to fuck his brains out, face down of course with his face buried in a pillow, so I couldn't hear that voice.

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Sucky watches Kardas

CURIOUS to see if he has something important to say..... The same reason I watch the Kardashians......

Sucky watches the Kardashians!

Sucky watches the Kardashians!


Because he thinks they might have something important to say!


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MsAnn, make sure he is face down so there is NO sound !

I think I said that, but I would let the boy up for air every once and awhile. Just so I could slap him, and tell him to shut the fuck up. Oh listen to me, talking like this, and on a Sunday no less.


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Thanks for the reply.

I am trying to decide which is the most annoying about DW, the timbre of his voice, his RI accent or his physical mannerisms. Certainly taken all together, they can grate on the nerves. ^_^

Best regards,


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I think it's interesting that so many people put DW down. I applaud him for being himself. I wouldn't want someone to be so scared of all the hate that they are forced to be a dull voiced, hands to the side only type of person. Plus he's freaking hot.

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I think it's interesting that so many people put DW down. I applaud him for being himself. I wouldn't want someone to be so scared of all the hate that they are forced to be a dull voiced, hands to the side only type of person. Plus he's freaking hot.

Expat, I am ALL for people being themselves, but be yourself in PRIVATE ! ... :rofl::rofl::rofl::frantics::frantics::frantics:

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I don't dislike DW because he is annoying. If annoying people caused me to dislike them, I wouldn't have any friends at all. ^_^

I don't happen to agree with much of what he says but he is welcome to his opinion and right to voice it.

Without a doubt he is a nice looking young man.

Best regards,


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I think it's interesting that so many people put DW down. I applaud him for being himself. I wouldn't want someone to be so scared of all the hate that they are forced to be a dull voiced, hands to the side only type of person. Plus he's freaking hot.

I said I think he's cute, and he does have a bangin body, but I just don't buy the whole overly expressive gay mannerisms. I think much of it is done, because it plays well to the camera.

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