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Study: Science and Religion Really Are Enemies After All

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Study: Science and Religion Really Are Enemies After All

September 9, 2014

by Chris Mooney

Are science and religion doomed to eternal warfare, or can they just get along? Philosophers, theologians, scientists and atheists debate this subject endlessly (and often, angrily). We hear a lot less from economists on the matter, however. But in a recent paper, Princeton economist Roland Bénabou and two colleagues unveiled a surprising finding that would at least appear to bolster the conflict camp: Both across countries and also across US states, higher levels of religiosity are related to lower levels of scientific innovation.

Places with higher levels of religiosity have lower rates of scientific and technical innovation, as measured by patents per capita, comments Bénabou. He adds that the pattern persists when controlling for differences in income per capita, population and rates of higher education.

Continued: http://billmoyers.com/2014/09/09/study-science-and-religion-really-are-enemies-after-all/

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