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Caption This (9-5-14)

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LOL, actually I really don't know the niceties of it all, being born Presbyterian rather than a knee walking Baptist like some here.

Would love it if you could instruct me on this point, Brother AS, so that I can better walk in the way of the Lord. :yes:

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LOL, actually I really don't know the niceties of it all, being born Presbyterian rather than a knee walking Baptist like some here.

In middle school we had a substitute teacher, name of (I swear) Mrs. Diddowit, who every time she subbed could be depended on to recount her trip to Mexico City and seeing pilgrims knee-walking to the Basilica of Our Lady of Guadaloupe.

In any event. The exception is where the verse is inscribed in a painting as, precisely, a caption. Had I not been full of Belgian beer when visiting the Groeninge Museum in Brugge I could reel off examples.

As it was, I did well not to reel into a canal. I did, however -- irrelevantly to this post but interestingly -- get a look at the Relic of the Holy Blood...


...one of the holiest relics in Christendom, supposedly blood washed from the Body of Christ by Joseph of Arimathea after its being taken down from the cross, and held since the late Middle Ages in Brugge's Heilig-Bloedbasiliek, after being brought back from one of the Crusades. The Blood is said to, miraculously, liquefy at each Friday afternoon's Veneration; I, due likely to my heathen unbelief or possibly just my Protestantism, could not discern this phenomenon.

P.S. Wikipedia corrects some sloppiness in my account: http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Basilica_of_the_Holy_Blood


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The exception is where the verse is inscribed in a painting as, precisely, a caption.

Well, I guess I have to give you that one.

Still the only examples you cite are clearly Catholic mummery so there's still room for some doubt. It's well known that the Vatican discourages reading the actual text as that only serves to confuse the faithful.


An example of early Catholic S&M porn:


As you say, AS, it's all in selecting the right caption.

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Still the only examples you cite are clearly Catholic mummery so there's still room for some doubt. It's well known that the Vatican discourages reading the actual text as that only serves to confuse the faithful.

One has to wonder whether the Church is not secretly gratified to see that the faithful becoming able to read the text has indeed not served to abate their confusion.

But to your point about Catholic mummery: well, yes, by definition, what with Luther more or less putting the kibosh on graven imagery for Protestants.

Making the second thing for which I was jealous of my Catholic friends when young, the first being the merciful brevity of their priests' homilies compared with the endlessly lunch-delaying sermons visited on us Baptists.

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It seems many, if not most, have tried to solve that issue by having a 9 AM service which means you will not miss the noon NFL kick-off or your late morning tee time. OTOH, as you alluded, not only were the Catholic priests homilies blessedly short, there is an early mass. You could be drunk by noon. ^_^

Best regards,


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...so they could laze around on Sunday in proper imitation of how The Lord Himself observed that day. :smile:

Actually Jesus was known to be a slacker when it came to observing the Sabbath. Mark 2:23-28.


Jesus celebrates the first Sabbath by getting his kink on in the garden.

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Now I am confused. My recollection of the Sabbath is it IS Saturday. Sunday being the first day of the week, according to the Bible. Therefore, even though "modern society" has turned the days of the week upside down, Saturday is the 7th day and the day of rest.

Nothing like starting the week off with a brisk sermon, is there? ^_^

Best regards,


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Does anyone else think this "caption this" has gone way off track?

Aw! Digressions are the soul of interest, don't you think? The best conversations go that way. And still plenty of good captions offered -- more possibly than if the hijacks had not kept the thread in play.

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