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Ig Nobel Prize

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How many likes are we allowed? And, if it isn't enough, why is the site so parsimonious? When one runs out of likes, what happens? Do the lights go out in Georgia?

Best regards,


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Guys, Oz has posted that he is currently paying his Indian programming slaves a small fortune to lift the "10 like barrier." Sez the issue is so deeply buried in the software that any infelicity in attempting a fix will blow up the site.

Personally, I believe him. No one would make so preposterous a claim unless it were true.

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I counted 'em earlier, just to see if progress had been made. I had got eighteen before the error box went up. Not bad at all!

Then I signed out for a while and when I came back later I got number nineteen through, but couldn't get to twenty.

I'm not sure what kind of work order OZ wrote up for the programmers, but I have a hunch he should have run it through another spell check. :rolleyes:


PS: Don't usually run into a problem with limits, but today has a bunch of good stuff. :thumbsup:

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Likes are always welcome. :smile: While I have not so far run out I still find myself upon re-reading bestowing likes post post. :smile:

Perhaps we should compare likes to bit coins. They aren't real but spend and there is a limit. :smile:

Best regards,


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Ig Nobels: British researchers take coveted science humour prize

UK researchers reveal people who habitually stay up late are, on average, more self-admiring, manipulative and psychopathic


...The entire Italian government won the economics prize for being the first European nation to increase its economy by factoring in revenues from prostitution, smuggling and the sale of illegal drugs.

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