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What Song Best Represents America?

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Doesn't Ole Miss still play in the SEC? Are you switching sides? :smile:

Personally, I always cheered for the team who's fans paid me to take them to the game. ^_^

Best regards,


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My personal favorite is America the beautiful sung by Ray Charles. I think it is an amazing rendition.



Of course we could always go with Expat's suggestion and use Cher's - Gypsys tramps and thieves, that is appropriate also.

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Personally I've always been partial to This Land is Your Land (Woody Guthrie). If i had my druthers, we'd toss the Star Spangled Banner in favor of Guthrie's song.

Mostly it's performed sans the last verses, so it shouldn't be too controversial for a high school essay, even in Alabama.

This comment on Springsteen's version covers the issues with the song better than I can:

During the "Born in the U.S.A." tour (1985), Bruce Springsteen performs "This Land Is Your Land" which includes the "missing lyrics" that were not taught when I learned this song in elementary school. Woody Guthrie resented the commercialization of patriotism and detested "God Bless America". "This Land" was Woody's "answer song". Woody's closing stanzas about "No Trespassing" (private property) and the relief lines were almost lost to the "safe for public consumption" (sanitized) version.

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Guest callipygian

Tomorrow I will interject a better dialogue and narrative to include so much more here than has been combined to all of our struggles . I am a fair less person than most of you have become to know me as yet given the chance I hope that change.

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Guest callipygian

Leave it to msguy to close with the the boss.

Tomorrow, ill top that and open the seafood bar is on me for you guys.

Love peace and friendship

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I suppose you side with BF in choosing the turkey as the national bird?

Yes, I know TOZ hails from LA.

Best regards,


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My country, 'tis of thee,

Sweet land of felony,

Of thee I sing --

Land where my fathers fried

Young witches and applied

Whips to the Quaker's hide

And made him spring.

My knavish country, thee,

Land where the thief is free,

Thy laws I love;

I love thy thieving bills

That tap the people's tills;

I love thy mob whose will's

All laws above.

Let Federal employees

And rings rob all they please,

The whole year long.

Let office-holders make

Their piles and judges rake

Our coin. For Jesus' sake,

Let's all go wrong!

Ambrose Bierce

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Hey, I am not picking on MsGuy. I know the wild turkey (the bird, not the whiskey or maybe both) is a very cunning and smart bird. My turkey hunting friends have told me so. They have spent thousands and have very few birds to show for it. One problem is the domesticated turkey is not as smart as a bump on a log and perhaps will not even come in from the rain, leading to drowning of all things. OTOH, a bred and true Mississippian who even suggests that the Tide should have consideration for anything other than humiliation and failure might be run out of town on a rail. :smile:

OTOH, Alabama, the football team, has a very enviable record, so I don't blame MsGuy for acknowledging that. :smile:

Best regards,


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I have personally been in the "Death Valley" stadium at LSU and heard with my own ears what those fans think about the Tide. I was there one time with Alabama fans and when Alabama won, they would not be quiet about it. I thought we all would be murdered before I could get us out of town. :smile:

Best regards,


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