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Portable Electronic Devices // International Use on DELTA

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Starting today, portable electronic device use will be allowed while flying below 10K feet, on international flights.

More than 1,250 Delta and Delta Connection’s aircraft completed carrier-defined PED tolerance testing to ensure the safe operation of passenger portable electronic devices during all phases of flight in 2013 which allows customer to use e-readers, tablets, and smartphones, all in airplane mode, during taxi, takeoff and landing on flights.

The expanded customer use of portable electronic devices on international flights compliments Delta’s position to not allow the use of cell phones for voice calls while allowing silent data transmissions that don’t interfere with customer comfort.


I am sure some of your read how much I enjoyed having Internet when flying back from Thailand to USA on my last trip. It was great to check email and websites. The cost was insane but the speed was decent and the comfort was great.

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Shoot, I could have told DL that for free (or a modest stipend). I have known for years that the various electronic goodies do not interfere with aviation avionics. I never turn my cell phone off. But, then, no one calls me anyway. ^_^

Best regards,


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