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Thanks wayout for the post and AS, I know you have a thing for Ozzies (so do I), so you are accounted for. ^_^

Thanks to you both. Good links.

Best regards,


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Couple of updates.

Tesla Aims to Leapfrog Rivals:

Autopilot to Allow Hands-Free Driving in 2015, Ahead of Mercedes-Benz, Audi, Others


Why Self-Driving Cars Will Change Retirement:

Older Adults Who Would Otherwise Be Stuck at Home May Be Early Adopters


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The Future Is Now

Several original equipment manufacturers (OEMs), technology companies, and universities already have pilot projects under way or on the launch pad to test varying levels of self-driving capability. A number of near-term rollouts have been reported or announced. For example:

  • Daimler’s Mercedes-Benz now sells a system that can pilot a car on a freeway, but its design requires the driver to keep a hand on the wheel. By 2016, the company plans to introduce Autobahn Pilot, which will allow hands-free highway driving with autonomous overtaking of other vehicles.
  • Tesla Motors plans to offer hands-free highway driving in its Model S electric sedans in 2015.
  • General Motors will offer Super Cruise in a new 2016 Cadillac sedan. The system will allow the car to automatically keep its lane, autonomously trigger braking, and control speed.
  • Volkswagen’s Audi unit intends to roll out technology to enable autonomous driving in urban traffic around 2016.
  • Also in the 2016 time frame, Mobileye plans to launch, with two partner OEMs, the first hands-free-capable driving at highway speeds and in congested traffic situations.

More at: http://www.engineering.com/AdvancedManufacturing/ArticleID/9357/Self-Driving-Vehicles-a-42-Billion-Market-by-2025But-a-Death-Knell-for-Auto-Manufacturing-In-an.aspx

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Better-than-average article on autonomous cars.

Can Detroit Beat Google to the Self-Driving Car?

Inside GM's fight to get to the future first.


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