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Guest CharliePS

Today it's Pennsylvania's turn

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Guest CharliePS

Another federal judge has ruled against a state's same sex marriage ban. These headlines are popping up almost daily now.

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A marriage is a contract between two people. The state's role is merely to register it. Straight people are increasingly either accepting of gay marriage or resigned to its eventual establishment. Most have far more pressing issues in their lives than whether I wed the man I love. Except for the die-hard haters, who are mush smaller in number and have their own sad issues. We're lucky to live in these more liberal times.

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We must all thank Justice Scalia for this fortuitous turn of events. He is the one who laid out the equal rights ramifications of the US vs WIndsor decision. All these other judges did was take his lead and that decision. Flowers and other expressions of thanks may be sent to Justice Antonin Scalia c/o The Supreme Court, Washington, DC. Please don't skimp on your expression of appreciation. :D

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