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Wash your dick!

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Guest PasadenaCA

He could have rehearsed a bit more.

. . . and shown us a clean dick. And what's all this about the lactose intolerant anti-cheese rant? Just get some red wine, a chilled green apple, maybe a cracker or two and enjoy.

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Well he gave it a good try, but he aint no Longfellow. And considering its Davey Wavy, as soon as he opens his mouth and that voice comes out, I tune OFF ! He much more tolerable as eye Candy with no sound :hyper:

And really, who is he to Preach ? Some guys LOVE a cheesy dick (not ME !)

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Expat, when I read the title, I thought you had a great experience with some hottie until you unzipped his pants. ^_^

Glad that dirty cock was not your dates. ^_^

As for me. I love cleanliness and think it is next to godliness. But, if the guy is hot enough, fuck it, I'll do it dirty in an instant.

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Guest hitoallusa

Yes it should be clean and washed. It doesn't matter whether a guy is hot or not.. He should shower first before sex.. ^_^

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Guest PasadenaCA

His voice is horrendous sounding! I listened and then again I DID NOT! His voice is a friggin' turn off!

Put your dick in his mouth; problem solved.

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His voice is horrendous sounding! I listened and then again I DID NOT! His voice is a friggin' turn off!

I dont think its the voice so much as the "affectation" in the voice that rubs me the wrong way !~

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