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Jack is Back to Save the World

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Jack Bauer is back to save the world in another season of 24. I feel like I have hit the lottery as this has been one of my favorite shows of all time.

When I was in Thailand for years while this show was active, the boyfriend would sit across from me playing his games on his computer and I would watch 24. As soon as he heard the music, he would say: "Jack's going save the world?" I'd say, "Yep. He is going to save the world again today." It was always funny but he also knew how intense I got watching the show.

I love the characters on this show and I have truly missed it.

Welcome back Jack. The world needs you!

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Guest hitoallusa

I personally like the show but don't have time to watch every episode... So I read recaps.. I think I will have less time if I have a husband.. ^_^

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