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Michael Jackson and Justin Timberlake - Singing together

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Fame and fortune seem to give a lot of folks serious problems and while MJ was certainly one of those, he managed to have unique problems. Sorry he had all those problems and sorry to see him go.

In 1984, I attended one of The Jackson revival tour concerts. This one held in Neyland Stadium in Knoxville, TN. It was interesting. You may assume that I was flying a family to this concert and they kindly included me in their purchase of tickets AND you would be correct in that assumption. I can't remember the last time I bought a ticket to any performance but surely I would if necessary. :smile:

Of course, JT is a local boy who has made good. More power to him. ^_^

Best regards,


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I first heard this song the other night when it was played at that awards show. This was the only part that I liked about the show, or the parts that I forced myself to view before turning to something else. ...liked the song very much and Usher, too! He is so "fyne!"

More than likely I'll purchase the cd and listen loudly while driving down the freeways/highways!! ^_^^_^^_^

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