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Guest Paragon

My Favorite Lurker

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Guest Paragon

We have a group of us who actually post when we visit the website, but there are substantial numbers of guys who have gone to the trouble of registering, coming up with a user name, and then never posting. No doubt they all have their individual reasons for becoming lurkers. Registration and signing in are often necessary to see pictures that otherwise only show up as code.

But, I do periodically look at the names of those here who are lurking at that particular moment. I find many of the user names interesting. Also, I note that some lurkers are here almost as much as I am.

One in particular is here quite often. For awhile I thought he might be one of Oz's background admins, but he isn't here consistently enough for that. I think he just likes the site and has his own reasons why he doesn't post. I wish he would as I would like to know what he thinks.

That's the thing about lurkers. We never know why they are here, or what they think about a post. But many of them come back, day after day, so they must like the place.

I won't name my favorite lurker because I am afraid if I call attention to him, he might stop coming. But in general I wish all of the lurkers would at least post once in a while. But then they would no longer be lurkers! I could live with that.

(Lurkers can send private messages, so I wouldn't mind getting some and learning more about them and why they don't post. It would just be between us.)

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Guest Paragon

That they do. What is about sunlight though? Don't most of us need it? Shouldn't we at least make Vitamin D available to our lurkers?

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Guest Scorpio

There's a difference between not finding the implausible denials credible and not being informed about said implausible denials.

And it's obvious you don't have any connections at the NSA or you'd be better informed about often I and my various electronic devises visit here.

When trying to convince someone that one has changed one's tune, it is important to refrain from continuing to sing from the same hymnal.

Others may be gullible. I am not.

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Guest PasadenaCA

You need to entice them in with some of those games that populate other discussion boards; there are counting games, counting in Latin, word association, those sorts of things. That might entice a lurker or two.

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Guest Paragon

If nothing else, this thread is giving the lurkers something to read when they visit the site. We should all give that Paragon turkey a pat on his feathers! ^_^

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Guest Paragon

Who's 'Frankly Rich'?

Did I miss something?


Pooh! Nobody ever tells me anything; I'm always the last to hear.

Isn't it interesting that anyone cares what screen name I use? One would think they'd say "Frankly, I don't give a damn!" We should be so lucky!

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I wonder which lurker, reading through this thread, will have the guts to make his (99% certain) or her (perhaps 1%) post.

Recalling my lurker days, it took a while for me to screw up the courage to jump in. I never understood how shining a light on them (or me) would hasten the process.

And, while I'd welcome any new folks who would like to join in, I'm also happy with those who are here.

And what if an unlikeable lurker decides to come out of the shadows?


I guess as long as they just PM Paragon, it will be OK. :rolleyes:

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If nothing else, this thread is giving the lurkers something to read when they visit the site. We should all give that Paragon turkey a pat on his feathers! :smile:

Now, now, Mr.P, I'm pretty sure that generally accepted internet etiquette and standards of behavior requires that you first create a sock puppet if you want to post praise and support for your own thread.

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Guest StevenDraker

Some lurker just pm'd me, wondering why Lookin cares about this thread so much.

Lookin cares because he's a gentle spirit.

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Guest PasadenaCA

Well people, I just sent my first message to a lurker and got a response--well, it was someone who just joined. Jealous? Here's the message that breaks the ice.


Of course, the strict bound of newbie/Tumescent Member confidence that we all observe on this site prohibits me from saying more.

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