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Guest Paragon

How Is Your Gaydar?

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Guest Paragon

In this pic, two of the guys on the swim team are gay, the others are not. Can you point out the two gay guys without researching it?


Make your choices left to right, numbered one to five!

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From left to right, number 1 and 4.

I never thought my gaydar worked but my US weather radar sure does. ^_^

Best regards,


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I am not sure what unsure means in this case. Anyone knowledgeable, please enlighten me. ^_^

Best regards,


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I just realized that there's a number of ambiguities inherent in the text of that sign. Initially I read it as specifying 2 gay and 3 straight guys, but it doesn't really say that explicitly, does it?

It could just as well be read as "3 (bi guys who) don't care (who we fuck)."

Or they could be a gay quintet, 2 of whom are out and proud and 3 of whom are party circuit types who just don't care about all that political shit.

Anyone got any other readings of the text?

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Guest zipperzone

I pick 3 and 4. Let's see if anyone else wants to vote before I link to some other clues.

Same here - I picked 3 & 4 too.

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Guest Paragon

Did you read my introduction?

"In this pic, two of the guys on the swim team are gay, the others are not. Can you point out the two gay guys without researching it?"

You are asked to pick the two gay guys. If your gaydar discerns bisexuals, then more power to you! I read them as gay, which means there are still two gay guys in the picture.

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Guest hitoallusa

Oh I literally said what I wrote.. My gaydar ( I could be wrong) says all of them seem gay so I can't possibly answer the question except all of them are gay. ^_^

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Oh my Wayout #1 is your type? He is so cute.. :smile:

I have many types that I like but definitely #1 fits into one of those categories :smile: And I do think he is very cute too...you have good taste :smile: I will be pleasantly surprised if he turns out to be one of the two gay guys but somehow my gaydar just doesn't seem to be working with him.

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