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Guest tomcal

Is it this way in the rest of the country?? Home Depot

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I have a Home Depot about 10 minutes from my house and I am there at a minimum of 3 times a week it seems. There is always a sprinkler repair needed or fencing/corral repair or trees trimmed, stucco repair, it's endless with a house so I am always needing something. Consistently they have the hottest guys working there I have seen anywhere, hotter then the gogo dancers in Weho! I don't know how their HR person is but they got to be hiring on looks! Most of these guys are 18 to about 24, figure most of them are college guys working part time as there is a Cal State campus close by. Last week I was there getting paint and one of the hottest latino guys I have ever seen came over because I had one of the dogs with me and he came over to pet him and I just kept asking him questions so I could stare at him longer! Today I went to get a garden hose(the dogs play tug of war with it and had finally put a bunch of puncture holes in it) again I had the dog with me, as he def. brings attention and this stunning 20 yr old muscular guy with the greatest smile came over to ask if he could help and started playing with the dog. Then he reached in his Home Depot apron and pulled out a dog bisquit and gave it to him and then started asking me questions about French Bulldogs and just kept talking. He asked me what home projects I was working on and I told him and he said, "I also do home repair/handyman type work if you ever need help" and gave me his number...this is like a fantasy coming true! LOL but I can't say he gave off any gay vibe and my gaydar which is well honed didn't go off! but..I am home now and trying to find a project even if I don't need the help to get him over here.

Have any of you noticed the "hotness" factor of the employees at you local Home Depot? or is this store a aberration? It's been like this for at least the last 4 years here at this store!

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Seems like all the guys at my Home Depot are retirees (or near that age it seems). If they had guys as hot as you describe I would be going there much more often. Your encounter would be a great lead in to a great porn video. Do let us know if you have him over and how this "special" home project works out ^_^

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Guest Paragon

No cute ones at my Home Depot. I remember when Price Club opened in Redwood City. They had the cutest guys, and the ones who rounded up the carts would do so shirtless. I hardly made it into the store.

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There are two Lowe's closer to me than the nearest Home Depot but now I will have to check it out. You may not have Lowe's out west as it is a NC company. The guys in the Lowe's aren't like you describe but they aren't Walmart greeter rejects either. ^_^

Best regards,


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Guest lurkerspeaks

at my Home depot, the workers seem to be older men, or else butch lesbians..

Talking about it sounding like a porn video... i remember years ago, there used to be a porn website called HomoDepot.com. long since gone of course..

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Lowe's has a big presence in Southern California.

Where I encounter hot twinks is at my local Trader Joe's. There are five that I'd love to play with. I'm thinking that one very cute slender 6'2" brunette may be gay. We've flirted a bit. I always gossip with them.

There are a few cuties at my local Home Depot, but I rarely go there.

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Since many of the whites in Southern California originally emigrated from the upper Midwest, there are an extraordinary number of blonds, especially in Orange and San Diego counties. That's why the beach is hard to resist. Nothing like a trio of barefoot blond surfer boys walking up from the beach with their tight wetsuits and tops pulled down exposing their lean golden torsos.

Of course the growth of the Latino population has brought us many stunning bronzed boys as well. Not to mention the Asians! The diversity here is fabulous for a connoisseur of male beauty!

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Thanks for the report about Lowe's out west. I suppose home repair warehouses are ubiquitous these days as I seem to remember going to a Home Depot once in Anchorage. Why, I do not recall.


What, no drinking by employees at TJ's?

Best regards,


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Guest Hoover42

Nothing but nice older fellas and gruff lesbians at my Home Depot. Now a while back there was a Home Depot spin-off called Expo-now THAT store (especially the OC location) had some beauties working the aisles

I so miss the Home Depot Expo. There was one only three miles from my place. Sorry they went out of business. :(

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Guest hitoallusa

Oh my I should go there if I need something to be fixed at my place... ^_^ I will make him some nice sweet tea and pies. Why didn't I think of this before so silly of me.

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Nothing but nice older fellas and gruff lesbians at my Home Depot. Now a while back there was a Home Depot spin-off called Expo-now THAT store (especially the OC location) had some beauties working the aisles

Are you referring to the former Laguna Niguel location of Expo?

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