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Ellen Page: 'I am gay'

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Hollywood actress Ellen Page, known for her role in the movie "Juno," announced she is gay, in a very public way.

Page broke the news during an emotional speech Friday in a crowded conference hall in Las Vegas, her publicist confirmed to CNN.

"I'm here today because I am gay. And because... maybe I can make a difference," Page told a crowd at an event called Time to THRIVE, a conference to promote issues of the gay community.

The Canadian star got a standing ovation during the speech.

"I am tired of hiding and I am tired of lying by omission," Page told the crowd. "I suffered for years, because I was scared to be out."



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Perhaps I am not really gay. I don't go to movies, plays or follow various "activities" that many gay folks do. I don't go to gay bars or any kind of bars. I guess I am just not a "joiner".

I have never heard of Ellen Page or many of "others" that gay folks seem to follow or know about.

Should I turn in my pink card?

OTOH, I do like my boys. ^_^

Best regards,


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