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Dr. Smith saying 'creature'

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Dr. Smith's Insults

Irwin Allen Wiki

One of the things that Dr. Smith is well known for is his insults. Here is a (partial) list of Dr. Smith's insults for the Robot and the number of times they were used.

  • Addlepated Amateur (1)
  • Addlepated Armorbearer (2)
  • Arrogant Automaton (1)
  • Astigmatic Automaton (1)
  • Babbling Birdbrain (1)
  • Babbling Bumpkin (1)
  • Bellicose Bumpkin (4)
  • Blithering Blatherskite (1)
  • Blithering Booby (3)
  • Blithering Bumpkin (1)
  • Bubble-headed Booby (9)
  • Bumbling Birdbrain (3)
  • Bumbling Bag of Bolts (1)
  • Bumbling Booby (1)
  • Cackling Cacophony (1)
  • Cackling Canister (1)
  • Cackling Clod (3)
  • Cackling Coward (1)
  • Cackling Cuckoo (1)
  • Calamitous Clump (1)
  • Cantankerous Cold-hearted Clump (1)
  • Caterwauling Clod (1)
  • Cautious Clump (1)
  • Clod-like Collection of Condensers (1)
  • Clumsy Clod (3)
  • Clumsy Clump (3)
  • Computerized Clod (4)
  • Computerized Clump (1)
  • Confused Compass (1)
  • Cowardly Clump (7)
  • Cumbersome Clod (3)
  • Defective Detective (1)
  • Demented Diode (1)
  • Deplorable Dunderhead (2)
  • Despotic Dunce (1)
  • Digital Dunce (1)
  • Digitized Dunce (1)
  • Dipety Dunce (1)
  • Disreputable Dunce (2)
  • Disreputable Dunderhead (1)
  • Doddering Dunderhead (1)
  • Ferrous Frankenstein (1)
  • Floundering Flunky (2)
  • Foolish Fop (1)
  • Frightful Fractious Frump (1)
  • Gargantuan Goose (1)
  • Garrulous Gargoyle (1)
  • Gigantic Gargoyle (1)
  • Gregarious Gremlin (1)
  • Hard-headed Harbinger of Evil (1)
  • Hardware Hyena (1)
  • Hopeless Heap of Tainted Tin (1)
  • Hypotensive Hypochondriac (1)
  • Ignominious Ignoramus (1)
  • Ill-informed Ignoramus (1)
  • Ineffectual Ineptitude (1)
  • Inept Idiot (1)
  • Infamous Informer (1)
  • Ingot of Ingratitude (1)
  • Insensitive Idiot (1)
  • Insipid Ineptitude (1)
  • Jabbering Jeremiah (1)
  • Jabbering Judas (2)
  • Jangling Junkheap (1)
  • Lame-brained Lump (1)
  • Lead-lined Lump (1)
  • Lily-livered Lump (2)
  • Ludicrous Lump (3)
  • Lugubrious Laggard (1)
  • Lugubrious Lecture3 (1)
  • Lugubrious Lump (2)
  • Meandering Mental Midget (1)
  • Mechanical Meddler (2)
  • Mechanical Misfit (3)
  • Mechanical Monolith (1)
  • Mechanical Murderer (1)
  • Mechanized Maidservant1 (1)
  • Mediocre Medical Misfit (1)
  • Mental Midget (3)
  • Mess of Metal (1)
  • Metallic Monstrosity (1)
  • Misguided Mechanical Misery (1)
  • Misshapen Mummy (1)
  • Monstrous Mechanized Misguided Moron (1)
  • Monstrous Mountebank (1)
  • Nattering Ninny (1)
  • Neanderthal Ninny (2)
  • Negligent Ninny (1)
  • Nervous Ninny (5)
  • Nickel-plated Nincompoop (1)
  • Nickering Ninny (1)
  • Noxious Ninny (1)
  • Obsolete Oaf (1)
  • Parsimonious Puppet (1)
  • Pathetic Pomposity (1)
  • Pedagogical Pip-Squeak (1)
  • Plasticized Parrot (1)
  • Ponderous Plumber (1)
  • Pot-bellied Prankster (1)
  • Pot-headed Prankster (1)
  • Preening Popinjay (1)
  • Presumptuous Pip-Squeak (1)
  • Presumptuous Popinjay (1)
  • Pretentious Popinjay (1)
  • Primitive Pile of Pistons (1)
  • Pusillanimous Pinhead (2)
  • Pusillanimous Pip-squeak (1)
  • Pusillanimous Punka (1)
  • Quivering Quintessence of Fear (1)
  • Robust Rock Hound (1)
  • Ridiculous Rigmarole2 (1)
  • Ridiculous Robot (1)
  • Ridiculous Roustabout (1)
  • Roly-Poly Rowdy (1)
  • Sanctimonious Scatterbrain (1)
  • Silly Sausage (1)
  • Silly Sloth (1)
  • Silver-plated Sellout (1)
  • Simple Simon (2)
  • Tarnished Trumpet (1)
  • Tin-plated Tinhorn (1)
  • Tin-plated Traitor (2)
  • Tintinnabulating Tin Can (1)
  • Tiresome Thesaurus (1)
  • Traitorous Tin Tabulation (1)
  • Treasonous Tyrant (1)
  • Tyrannical Tin Plate (1)
  • Unctuous Underling (1)
  • Wobbling Weakling4 (1)
  • Worry Wart (1)


  • Aluminum Canary (1)
  • Assassin (1)
  • Automated Oaf (1)
  • Bloated Blimp (1)
  • Booby (1)
  • Bubblehead (1)
  • Bumbling Cracker Barrel (1)
  • Bungler (1)
  • Chattering Magpie (1)
  • Clod (2)
  • Clunker (1)
  • Coward (4)
  • Cybernetic Simpleton (1)
  • Cybernetic Skeptic (1)
  • Dunce (1)
  • Dunderhead (2)
  • Fiend in Tin Clothing (1)
  • Fugitive from a Scrapheap (1)
  • Ghoul (1)
  • Goose (1)
  • Hopeless Heap of Tainted Tin (1)
  • Hulking Mass of Mechanical Ignorance (1)
  • Incompetent Walking Ingot (1)
  • Judas (2)
  • Lagger (1)
  • Mealy-Mouthed Rogue (1)
  • Mechanical Dunderhead (1)
  • Meddler (2)
  • Metallic Ham (1)
  • Mr. Wrong-Way Computer (1)
  • Ninny (27)
  • Obsolete Piece of Scrap Metal (1)
  • Over-Cautious Concoction (1)
  • Overgrown Ninny (1)
  • Silly Goose (7)
  • Silly Old Ninny (1)
  • Sniggering Cinder Box (1)
  • Sorry Specimen of Computerhood (1)
  • Tin-plated Snitch (1)
  • Traitor (6)
  • Traitorous Tin-plated Fugitive from a Junkyard (1)
  • Troublemaker (1)
  • Uncultured Clump (1)

"Spare me the..."

Dr. Smith also says "Spare me the..." a lot. Here is a (partial) list of every "Spare me the..." he says and the number of times he says them.

  • Accurate Appraisals (1)
  • Apologies (1)
  • Asinine Ad-libs (1)
  • Asinine Advice (1)
  • Asinine Axioms (1)
  • Bullring Dramatics (1)
  • Caustic Comments (1)
  • Conundrums (1)
  • Dire Doubts (1)
  • Direful Doubts (1)
  • Dull Cliches you learned at you mother's knee (1)
  • Explanations (1)
  • Fancy Rigmarole (1)
  • Feeble Attempts at Humor (3)
  • Feeble Jokes (1)
  • Gratitude (1)
  • Inane Innuendoes (1)
  • Insulting Innuendoes (1)
  • Moralizations (1)
  • Moralizing (1)
  • Obtuse Opinions (1)
  • Opinions (1)
  • Platitudes (1)
  • Pleasantries (1)
  • Poisonous Barbs (4)
  • Poisonous Platitudes (1)
  • Ridiculous Remarks (1)
  • Scientific Lectures (1)
  • Technicalities (1)
  • Unfunny Jokes (1)
  • Vivid Recollections (1)
  • Warnings (2)
  • Womanly Intuition (1)
  • Youthful Enthusiasm (1)

1 He only says this to Verda, the android from The Android Machine.

2 He only uses this to describe the clothes he wears in The Android Machine.

3 In Treasure of the Lost Planet, the Robot gave Dr. Smith a "lugubrious lecture".

4 He only says this to IDAK in Revolt of the Androids.


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