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Guest hitoallusa

What do you think it will happen to our souls? Enjoy life while we can.. I guess.. But not too much sex because it hurts.. ^_^

In the end, we ALL wind up looking the same, although we strived so hard all our lives to be individuals....

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Same root cause. Too much money, not enough discipline. He had enough money to buy a plane but not enough discipline to learn to fly it properly and not enough "seasoning" to take someone with him.

Best regards,


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Guest epigonos

RA1 is absolutely correct. He had just recently learned to fly. He and his wife were attempting to fly from New York to Boston to a Kennedy family gathering. The weather was deteriorating rapidly and a more experienced and cautious pilot would have never flown under those conditions.

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RA1 is absolutely correct. He had just recently learned to fly. He and his wife were attempting to fly from New York to Boston to a Kennedy family gathering. The weather was deteriorating rapidly and a more experienced and cautious pilot would have never flown under those conditions.

Jr was guilty of a bad decision, which I am sure we have all made sometime in our lives. I do not equate that to being rich, idle or self destructive. Comparing Jr to Bieber is like nite and day, apples to brocoli. Bieber is a punk trying to show the world he is a "bad ass"....Yes, and he has the resources to take his ride and bring along a shit load of bottom feeders with him. Jr did not spend his days in a weed incuced coma, reeking from the stench. Its time for someone to take hold of that asswipe and bring him back down to earth.

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We have here a difference of opinion. Bieb is a juvenile delinquent with too much money to spend and no guidance. JFK, Jr. was a wealthy member of US political society who had a lot of money and not enough guidance. Yes,JFK., Jr was a victim of a bad decision but that decision was based upon his previous background.

I hate to say that wealthy and intelligent folks often think their wealth or egos are sufficient to make them successful pilots. Unfortunately, not so.

Best regards.


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We have here a difference of opinion. Bieb is a juvenile delinquent with too much money to spend and no guidance. JFK, Jr. was a wealthy member of US political society who had a lot of money and not enough guidance. Yes,JFK., Jr was a victim of a bad decision but that decision was based upon his previous background.

I hate to say that wealthy and intelligent folks often think their wealth or egos are sufficient to make them successful pilots. Unfortunately, not so.

Best regards.


Fair enough . Plenty of piss Poor people make really Bad decisions too !

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I am not sure what is meant by the Z coordinate. Regardless of the Kennedy family achievements or transgressions, my intention was not to start any comments about same. I sought merely to comment on the unfortunate event that led to the conclusion of JFK, Jr.'s life. So sad.

Best regards,


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If X is the distance forward or backward, and Y is the distance left or right, then Z...

Up in the air. Down in the water. Not so good.

Right, Mary Jo?

AS, sounds like you have been playing the hito drinking game again ? :hyper:

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Ah, the third dimension of the (known) 4. I just wasn't thinking of it that way but now I understand it. Let's hope your reference to MJK doesn't "flame up". ^_^

Best regards,


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