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So MsGuy and others have posted recently on the Singularity and other looming phenomena that may have less than desirable outcomes for H. sapiens.

What do you think may be the greatest risk? Possibilities I can think of, in rough order of likelihood:

  • Catastrophic climate change
  • Food chain collapse
  • Global pandemic -- too much human biomass on the planet, too well connected due to modern transportation
  • Potable water crisis
  • Nuclear annihilation
  • Malevolent machine sentience

In turn, possible saving developments:

  • Cost-effective mass-scale desalination
  • Terraforming to actively reverse climate change
  • Nanomedicine, biomaterials/bioelectronics, etc.
  • H. sapiens genetic engineering
  • Neutral or benevolent machine supersentience
  • Karellen :sorcerer:
  • ...?
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Only one politically caused catastrophe? Two, if you count climate change/global warming. Naturally, all of them can be affected by politics. They all are "in the works", only some of them seem to be more imminent than others.

I used to actively worry about some of these. Now they are only a matter of intellectual or philosophical interest. Not to be uncaring but I shall not live long enough to deal with any of them at least not in extremis.

Best regards,


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H. sapiens genetic engineering

And this is listed in column B rather than column A why?

I used to actively worry about some of these. Now they are only a matter of intellectual or philosophical interest. ... I shall not live long enough to deal with any of them...

:lol: Surely there's some beloved niece or favored escort for whom you might have some lingering concern?

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