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Evolution vs Gay Marriage

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:lol: Evolution still wins (60% vs 55%) but gay marriage is coming up fast, at least according to the latest polls. http://www.reuters.com/article/2013/12/30/us-usa-poll-evolution-idUSBRE9BT0LC20131230

Since belief in the Darwinian heresy seems to have stalled out at about 60% and gay marriage is still rolling right along, we should pass Darwin sometime on the early 2020s. If you factor out the 1/4 of pro-evolution opinion that holds that evolution is divinely guided, we've already lapped the field.

Yea for us, I guess, but I'm not sure what all that says about our fellow citizens. :no:

On the brighter side, the Flat Earthers seem to have abandoned the field of battle.

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