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Guest tomcal

Xmas decorations

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Since I am having all the family here xmas eve, I spent the last couple days decorating. finished the living room, dining room and family room today. I haven't done it in a couple years and all of the stuff was in storage, I still have a lot of my mother's xmas tree ornaments, so they all went on the tree. She is going to be here so it will be a nice surprise for her. It turned into a bigger job then I intended as a grand piano sits where the tree is, so had to have movers come and take it to storage. 1/2 way thru I was thinking why did I start this? but now that its done, I am happy! (for some reason I can't get the picture to post upright, looks right in the file and when I try and post it turns sideways!..i tried 2 times!)



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