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Netanyahu Takes on Obama in US Congress

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"A minister in Netanyahu's inner security cabinet, Naftali Bennett, flew to Washington this week to urge members of Congress, many of whom are very close to Israel, to reject the proposed Iran deal.

"I think more and more members of the House and Senate understand now ... that the deal being formed is a deal that removes the sanctions without dismantling the Iranian nuclear machine," Bennett told Israel Radio on Friday."


Can you imagine the hoorah that would be raised if a senior US cabinet secretary flew to Israel unbidden and openly lobbied individual Knesset members to sabotage the most delicate and critical Israeli diplomatic initiative of the decade?

Israel is asking its friends in Congress to cancel the president's ability to modify some sanctions as part of a nuclear deal with Iran and, further, to add much stricter mandatory sanctions while negotiations are in progress. Obama is begging Congress for a few weeks delay to see if he can firm up a deal. Or, to say it more plainly, Netanyahu wants Congress to undermine the president's credibility in Iran and abort any possible deal before it's made.

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At the risk of being labeled anti-Semitic, I don't approve of this action by the Israelis. That's what they do, isn't it, try to smear the person they disagree with by calling him or her anti-Semitic? I think it's a shame that so much of our Congress has sold out to a foreign government.

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... That's what they do, isn't it, try to smear the person they disagree with by calling him or her anti-Semitic?

That's simply not true, Lucky. If you're Jewish, they call you a self-hating Court Jew.

But, yes, it's exasperating that AIPAC treats whatever loopy policy du jour that comes bubbling up from the cesspool of Israeli domestic politics as carved in stone by the finger of God.

LOL, and not unlike the old time commies and Russia, they freely admit to pushing the party line of whoever's in power in Jeruselem. They explicitly state that it's not their place to question the positions of the Israeli government.

Which is all well and good except that it's also their position that it's not the place of the US government to question Israeli policies either. And if it does so, well, then obviously anti-semites like you have taken over the government. :pinch:

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