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A gay kiss twist on ABC's REVENGE last night

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Why can't love be simple and uncomplicated.. :(

Because it is (1) a cunning adaptation by evolution to advance its extra-human imperatives, (2) given modern articulation by late medieval Provençal troubadours who set themselves literary requirements whose artificial idealisms and complications we have hilariously adopted as real-life templates, (3) overlaid by economically and materially conditioned Victorian-origin societal heteronormativities about monogamy, fidelity (or pretense thereof) and what we now term (with no intended irony!) the nuclear family?


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Why can't love be simple and uncomplicated.. :(

Because it is (1) a cunning adaptation by evolution to advance its extra-human imperatives, (2) given modern articulation by late medieval Provençal troubadours who set themselves literary requirements whose artificial idealisms and complications we have hilariously adopted as real-life templates, (3) overlaid by economically and materially conditioned Victorian-origin societal heteronormativities about monogamy, fidelity (or pretense thereof) and what we now term (with no intended irony!) the nuclear family?


Ask a silly question . . . :rolleyes:

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