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The Average Man Looks Like This

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We spend lots of time here talking about and showing pix of the guys who turn us on, but it's time to face facts. These guys we like are simply not the average man. He is more like us, if you believe this study, reported in The Atlantic magazine.

We discuss the guys we like in terms of inches- say, nine or ten. But this guy is 39 inches-around the waist. Why is it that we don't see pics of him in the Pornification forum? Don't we lust after guys just like us? Now, it's true, you may be the exception to the rule. So post your pic then!

(For the record, I am increasingly obese. As I get older, I work out less. But this is enough to get me to the gym!)

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Guest CharliePS

Until I was about 40, my chest was bigger than my waist. Then something strange happened: although my weight stayed the same, it redistributed itself downward to my belly. I think my rockhard abs are still hiding there somewhere, but I no longer wear cutoff T-shirts in public.

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Guest hitoallusa

Wow Charlie's you are so hot! If you could manage a body like that in your forties then I think you have good genes..^_^

Until I was about 40, my chest was bigger than my waist. Then something strange happened: although my weight stayed the same, it redistributed itself downward to my belly. I think my rockhard abs are still hiding there somewhere, but I no longer wear cutoff T-shirts in public.

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