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Guest CharliePS


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Guest CharliePS

I am watching the final Oakland/Detroit playoff game, and one of the commentators just said, "Verlander has quite a toolbox...." I don't know what he meant, but it sounded so dirty to me..

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Guest hitoallusa

I don't understand a single thing a sports commentator talks about on TV.. It's like a foreign language to me.. Don't know why... The only way they will get my attention is when they talk about diving, swimming and gymnastics.. Oh tennis I can understand it pretty well..

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Toolbox = skill set = bag of tricks

Back when it was quieter & more contemplative I used to find televised golf commentary enjoyable. Soothing, hypnotic, conducive to afternoon napping.

Now what is interesting is when the networks have gone out and 3D-scanned the greens beforehand, and can computer-generate the lie of the green and show the likely line of travel of the ball when putted. Golf being in essence not really a contest between the golfers but rather between each golfer and the course itself, or the golf course architect if you will.

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There is a toolbox used by aficionados of "fantasy baseball". He could have been referring to that or trying to segue between a game played in your mind and one played on the diamond.


I think they interview those sports casters to make sure they can adequately murder the English language as well as speak in code. ^_^

Best regards,


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