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NCAA Hottie Comes Out

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Out NBA center Jason Collins is still unsigned, but the NCAA can boast its first openly gay player: Derek Schell, a 22-year-old guard for the Hillsdale College Chargers came out in an eloquent essay for OutSports on Monday, part of a series for National Coming Out Week.

Schell, a senior business major at the south-central Michigan school, called being a closeted teen at his Catholic high school a nightmare.

I heard every gay slur in the book, directed at me and at others, just because it was, and unfortunately still is, part of our societys language I constantly felt like I was walking on eggshells, afraid to act a certain way or say something that may give away my truth.

I pushed every worry and negative thought aside and committed to play college basketball, hoping, sometimes even praying, that I would find some sort of remedy for these thoughts I could not get rid of.

Read the full story here:



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