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Sharing the mattress

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I am not much of a cuddler. I much prefer to sleep alone. That does not mean I do. When in Thailand, BF 1 always sleeps with me. He is a cuddler. I can't sleep well with someone wrapped around me. So, I bought some of those long pillows and put them in the bed. I'll let him cuddle for a few minutes and then let him use the pillow the rest of the night. It works well for both of us. :smile:

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Guest hitoallusa

Ha if I were your bf.. That pillow would be gone the very next day! But I like the fact that you know how to compromise and make things work. lol..^_^

I am not much of a cuddler. I much prefer to sleep alone. That does not mean I do. When in Thailand, BF 1 always sleeps with me. He is a cuddler. I can't sleep well with someone wrapped around me. So, I bought some of those long pillows and put them in the bed. I'll let him cuddle for a few minutes and then let him use the pillow the rest of the night. It works well for both of us. :smile:

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I don't mind cuddling while I am trying to fall asleep but only while I am sleeping. Probably the same as what Hoover 42 meant. :smile:

Best regards,


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Guest PasadenaCA

It would certainly ALL Depend on the Guy. Some are worth a second helping, and some you just want to be GONE !

If he has a penis, it's very hard for me to say good-bye!

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I don't like to sleep with anyone either. However, when I did overnights, and I did quite a few at one time, I never slept alone. I wasn't paying that money for a good night's sleep. :devil:

Also, when I had an ongoing relationship, sleeping together was the price to pay for some of the benefits that relationship offered. Everything is a trade-off.

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