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Take a look at Gay Berlin and Gay Belo Horizonte!

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Today we welcome the listings for both Gay Berlin and Gay Belo Horizonte!

Amazing cities. Take a look:

Take a look at the article for Gay Berlin here:


And, take a look at the listings for Gay Berlin here:


Take a look at the article for Gay Belo Horizonte here:


And, take a look at the listings for Gay Belo Horizonte here:


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Guest hitoallusa

I love it since you consider that some gay travelers want to know about things to do other than sex in these cities. Thank you for the info! I hope you could also suggest things for married gay guys since we have some gay couples on this site and I will be a married guy soon too. I can't wait to go to these places with my hubby.. lol.. :smile:

"Now, it’s a shocking thought for this cockaholic, but there may be times in Belo Horizonte when you want to do something other than drink and scope out the night’s tasty twink or burly bear."

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I love it since you seem to consider some gay travelers want to know things to do other than sex. Thank you for the info! I hope you could also suggest things married gay guys since we have some gay couples on this site and I will be a married guy soon too. I can't wait to go to these places my hubby.. lol.. :smile:

Thank you hito!

Married guys should stay home, make babies, cook gourmet meals, decorate and redecorate their home, play a bit of softball on a league and as often as possible catch the latest musical.

They should NOT look in place where burly bears are flirting for disaster!

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