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Well, I am not offering but I am curious to see what will happen in many states now that the federal government has decided to let states decide what is best for the laws inside those states when it comes to Marijuana.

I was happy that the AG said they would let Washington and Colorado make their own laws and not interfere. Can't wait to see what happens based on this new policy.

Personally, I love weed to relax me to sleep. But, I smoke it only in California from time to time. I hate alcohol and have never been drunk once my entire life.

I would love to see the legalization of MJ across the land.

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Guest hitoallusa

You are almost perfect guy I am looking for.. Why and why do you happened to have multiple boyfriends... ^_^

I hate alcohol and have never been drunk once my entire life.

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Guest Hoover42

This still leaves everyone in a uncertain position.

For example, no bank is going to want to provide loans to pot growers in those states if, at any moment, the feds could decide they want to start enforcing the law again.

I think it would have been better if the feds had cracked down hard on those states who would then have had to defend themselves in court. If the states did then prevail, the federal law would have been struck down for good.

It's not good when the feds start selectively enforcing federal laws. What a slippery slope that is!

On the other hand, if many more states pass similar laws, this will make it harder for the feds to justify a return to full enforcement.

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Guest hitoallusa

What a witty answer~~~ I think I will be out of your higher league.. so I won't dare dream... ^_^

Why? Because I have a whole lot of love to share. :smile:

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Guest useless

i think in quite a few us cities law enforcement have been ignoring cooperative adults with small amounts of marijuana for several years. furthermore i feel other states will follow after the recent announcement from the attorney general regarding the laws passed in washington and colorado.

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