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Poor David Cassidy

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Time hasn't been pleasant to former teen heart throb David Cassidy.


David Cassidy was just arrested by Tom Jones ... for drunk driving.

Law enforcement sources tell TMZ, Cassidy was in upstate New York early this AM -- outside Albany -- when he was pulled over by OFFICER Jones for driving with his high beams when he wasn't supposed to.

We're told Jones smelled alcohol on Cassidy's breath and administered a field sobriety test, during which Cassidy performed poorly. The singer/actor blew a .1 and was cuffed and taken to jail.

He now faces felony drunk driving because he had a prior DUI in Florida.

Cassidy has been released on $2,500 bail.

His stepmom, Shirley Jones, has said recently David is a troubled man who has demons he's been struggling to conquer.

According to the police report, Cassidy left his high beams on as he approached the checkpoint (always a tip-off to cops) -- and in addition to the breathalyzer ... he also "failed all" the field sobriety tests Officer Jones put him through.

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At first I thought this was spoof because of the name of the arresting officer (also the name of a performer) but if indeed it is "real" then I am sorry. No one needs this kind of aggravation regardless if self administered. :(

Best regards,


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I lusted after him when I was much younger (preteen and early teens). He was locked in my mind as he was back then so a rude awakening to see this mug shot and realize he is now 63. If I recall correctly, his father (Jack Cassidy) had a few demons of his own and eventually died because of them (I think it was something like he fell asleep after a drinking binge with a lit cigarette and the ensuing fire resulted in his death).

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This rather dreadfully named web site "Findadeath.com" confirms your recall about Jack:


BTW, TV actors from this era seldom got more than their pay for each show -- residuals were nonexistent unless you had the foresight and clout to negotiate them. Or unless you had the business savvy to own your production company a la Desilu or, I think also, Gleason did. About 20 years ago I happened to get to know Chris Knight a little bit due to his then career in software marketing and he said he and his Brady Bunch compeers were forever kicking themselves over this state of affairs.

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Arrested for DUI again. Booked, then released on $15,000 bond.


Blew .19 on the Breathalyzer, it says. He would have tossed down a right fair amount of hooch fairly quickly to get there. Speaking from personal experience.


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