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Weird sighting of the day

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Guest NCBored

Riders of the New York Subway system today saw a dead shark in a subway. Now how does that happen?


Maybe it's a teaser for Sharknado 2: Manhattan. :hyper:

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I would think an empty subway car would be more unusual than one with a shark on it. :smile:

Best regards,


the car was evacuated which is why it's empty. And you are probably right about a PR opportunity promoting Shark Week on the Discovery Channel perhaps? After living in Los Angeles I don't believe anything I see or hear anymore because almost everything is contrived into a PR opportunity.

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Tom, the tiger mascot of the University of Memphis, was allowed to roam freely in the home of his handler, much to the chagrin of unknowing and unsuspecting visitors. He loved to sneak up on visitors and put his front paws on their shoulders. That was at least one or two iterations of Tom ago. Now I think he is kept in more ordinary surroundings.

Best regards,


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