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I need some photos, if you've got 'em

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I'm in the process of doing some major home improvements. One of the things I want to do is to create a 'hanging garden' on my patio. In Chiang Mai, I usually stay at the Come-On Place. If you have ever been there, you would have seen exactly the kind of thing I want to do, just outside of your room. They have a hanging garden made of chain-link on some sort of angled supports.


I've been trying my damnedest to explain what I want to the people who are doing the work at my house, but I can't get them to understand what I want to do (even with the help of a Thai neighbor who speaks fluent English. She doesn't understand what I want either.)


What I need to do is show them some photos. I've looked on the Internet and so far I can't find any examples of what I want. There are several photos of the Come-On Place on the Internet, but not one of them are photos of the hanging garden.


If anyone happens to have some photos of the hanging garden at Come-On Place, or if you happen to be in Chiang Mai and it would be convenient for you to get a few, I would be eternally grateful. If you can help out, my Email address is gaybutton@gmail.com .

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Since you have been a customer, maybe if you contact Come-on place they would send some pictures.


Thank you very much, but that will no longer be necessary. I finally was able to get my people to understand what I want. Whew!!!

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