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Guest gcursor


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Guest hitoallusa

Gcursor, welcome back. Have you been to movie theaters recently, there are many good movies... ^_^

I am SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO friggin' bored right now!

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Guest gcursor

Yes I have! I went and saw the new Star Trek movie, World War Z, NOW YOU SEE ME, the new Wizard of Oz movie, IRON MAN 3, and that's all I can remember right now

By the way Hi, I haven't forgotten about writing you that email about what I'm doing at college. I just haven't gotten around to doing it yet. I'm having trouble in my writing class and trying to work through that. ME!? Having trouble in writing class! Imagine that ^_^

So what has everybody else been seeing at the movies

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Guest hitoallusa

Good to know that you are going to write me about your life, I will really enjoy it ^_^. No one sits down and writes letters any more like in old days. I've recently watched an old movie, Crimson Tide (1995) on my computer. It's about a mutiny in a nuclear submarine, starring Denzel Washington and Gene Hackman. I enjoyed all the hot guys, Ryan Philip and the communications officer named Vossler were very cute eye candies in the movie. I am not sure how long a nuclear submarine usually stays under water but I bet some gay activities are going on in it. ^_^

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Guest hitoallusa

I know but it will be sad if I can't fit into those shoes of yours.. Sigh

thanks hito, but you would flip over my SHOE collection ! :hyper:

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