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Princesses Long Island

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Has anyone seen this show on Bravo !!!

The premise is a look into the lives of RICH, unmarried Jewish princesses in search of their Mr Right.

THESE girls are so Vapid, Stupid and irritating that I wouldnt be surprised if Guys never wanted to fuck another Jewish girl in their Entire life....

This show certainly isnt an "image maker" for THESE girls.....

Maybe if i turned off the sound ??? they all have grating voices that sound like Fran Drescher from the Nanny.... OY VEY !

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WHY would one waste a second on either of these shows? Well the boat one does have some cute fellas (Dave is a friends BF) It amazes me that these shows let alone all of the Hillbilly/Trailer Trash reality (HAH!)shows get made-but some of them do get folks watching them.

America I weep for you.

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WHY would one waste a second on either of these shows? Well the boat one does have some cute fellas (Dave is a friends BF) It amazes me that these shows let alone all of the Hillbilly/Trailer Trash reality (HAH!)shows get made-but some of them do get folks watching them.

America I weep for you.

In all honesty TPL, these shows are meant to be escapist and can be entertaining. Princesses not so much... the subjects are so vapid you just wanna smack them and say "shut the fuck up, Bitch".... and really, do the Jews need any MORE bad stereotyping??? :no:

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