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JLo shows off her Louboutins. . .

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Guest hitoallusa

Are my eyes wrong or I'm not so fashionable? I don't think those pants, shoes and hand bag go well together?? I might have to look at the whole picture to be able to say one of Miss Walker's line, " Ok. I get it now".

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Are my eyes wrong or I'm not so fashionable? I don't think those pants, shoes and hand bag go well together?? I might have to look at the whole picture to be able to say one of Miss Walker's line, " Ok. I get it now".

hito, High fashion in 2013 is ALL about "mis-match". Its about creative "mixing". You dont match your shoes and purse anymore.

The more mis-matched you are, the more Fashionable.. :cheer:

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Guest hitoallusa

Oh my the way you talk fashion is so sexy... I like your take on it. ^_^

hito, High fashion in 2013 is ALL about "mis-match". Its about creative "mixing". You dont match your shoes and purse anymore.

The more mis-matched you are, the more Fashionable.. :cheer:

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Oh my the way you talk fashion is so sexy... I like your take on it. :smile:

That advice includes NOT wearing ALL the SAME label. Like don't wear everything Gucci or Chanel.... Mix it up ! .

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