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Guest FourAces

L.A. Pride

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Guest FourAces

I saw the Abbey boys on the news early this morning, YUM!

Just wondering anybody from here attend? Any report to share?

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I stopped going to those ages ago. In LA it is especially difficult because parking is such a pain in the ass. The parade was streaming online at gay.net though. But it was stopping a lot. I don't think they had a powerful enough streaming server.

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I went. Didn't want to deal with driving, made the looong walk from Holly/High down.

Some hotties, watching the sidewalks was usually more interesting than the parade. But as always, WeHo clones only see each other.

The parade itself seemed poorly ran--large gaps between groups early on, lengthy periods of dead stop towards the end. Also the Bradly Manning thing annoyed me (didn't see any mention at all)... and the corporatism even more so:

NBCUni made most of their participants shill their latest shows; and I don't care how much they may support LGBT workers, does Bank of America really get to participate without counter-protest or boos?

The (My Imaginary Friend) Hates Fags-type people were there again, loud and disgusting. They were opposed by a fairly effective counter-protest but it didn't feel like enough.

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