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Guest hitoallusa

A man finishes copying the Bible

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Without a doubt, both have sinned. But, if they had not, would any of us be here? Answer: No. ^_^

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Guest hitoallusa

Well I started this thread to introduce a man's strong will to overcome his pain and illness. We will face that challenging moment sometime in our life too and hope we all find some comfort somewhere as he did. ^_^

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The anthropophagous implications are perhaps best passed over. :smile:

This preacher reaches a fascinating answer through Genesis-based genetics:


So, rednecks are following pre-Moses biblical law? ^_^

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Guest hitoallusa

I think the Bible is inspired by God. I just don't believe in the Bible is error free, however. Yes it is true that there are contradictions and things that can't be explained in the Bible. I don't know who first suggested that the Bible was error free? AS, can you find that person through your impeccable research capability? I think who came up with the idea that the Bible is infallible was wrong.

What I believe is hope, faith, and love... Compassion toward others and forgiving myself and others for our mistakes... I don't think nothing is wrong with a religion that teaches those things. I got excommunicated for believing that women don't need to be silenced i. Church and someone doesn't have to belong to a certain denomination. Even after my excommunication, didn't lose my faith. I pray something better may wait for me after this life... A little excited what it might be...

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What I believe is hope, faith, and love... Compassion toward others and forgiving myself and others for our mistakes... I don't think nothing is wrong with a religion that teaches those things. I got excommunicated for believing that women don't need to be silenced i. Church and someone doesn't have to belong to a certain denomination. Even after my excommunication, didn't lose my faith. I pray something better may wait for me after this life... A little excited what it might be...

I do respect, and share, your ideals. What I honestly have never understood is why they need to be encapsulated in a religion.

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Philosophy + deity = religion. Haven't humans from time immemorial thought that if there isn't a God they have to "invent" one?

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Haven't humans from time immemorial thought that if there isn't a God they have to "invent" one?

That, or something like, is true of many of our behaviors adown the ages.

Is it therefore necessarily a recommendation in their favor?

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