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Guest rimchair

My favorite masseur has the 'seven-year itch'...

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Guest rimchair

That is right, he has announced he has scabies. I haven't seen him in over 6 weeks, so I am in the clear, so to speak. But when, if at all, should I go back?

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The routine... He gets diagnosed, gets prescribed either Permethryn cream (basically topical insecticide) or 6 little pills, forget their name, then changes clothes and bed linens daily for 3 days running, after which both the bugs under his skin and the eggs left on his clothes and bedding are supposed to have died off.

Then he should be in the clear. But the docs tell you to do it all over again after 10 days, just to make sure.

IF he follows all that rigmarole religiously, i.e. avoids letting the eggs re-infect him, he should then be good.

If you can trust him to have done all that.

BTW, how do you know he hasn't had them for the past 6 weeks or longer, but only just noticed?

P.S. Speaking from experience.

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BTW, how do you know he hasn't had them for the past 6 weeks or longer, but only just noticed?

Oh, he'll have noticed. If memory serves, a massive heart attack may get by you for a few days, or perhaps a perforated ulcer, or maybe even World War III. But not scabies. :rolleyes:


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Well ... maybe I just have an iron constitution. (Uh-huh!) But I had the little bugs for several months before I finally went and got them diagnosed. I had thought it was just winter dry-skin itch.

Perhaps your crew were amateurs. Mine were all madrassa graduates and had done advanced training in Tora Bora. :rolleyes:

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Guest josephga

I had a scare like this once. any time there's a chance a client could leave scabies behind. I rushed to a clinic open on a saturday. did everything stripped covers off furniture. sprayed everything tons of laundry sealing stuff in bags. covered my body in this horrible cream head too toe. And after all that I found out I was allergic to those new tide pods lol

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Guest hitoallusa

Good for you!

I had a scare like this once. any time there's a chance a client could leave scabies behind. I rushed to a clinic open on a saturday. did everything stripped covers off furniture. sprayed everything tons of laundry sealing stuff in bags. covered my body in this horrible cream head too toe. And after all that I found out I was allergic to those new tide pods lol

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Guest hitoallusa

I have seen a lot of guys with warts... Surprisingly they are not aware that they are infected with HPV. Some escorts have warts around their anus or inside their anus. I had one escort infected with some kind of skin parasite. It's symptom was different from scabbies but itchy as hell for him. I don't know how people survived in old days where lack of hygiene and medicine led to so much afflictions. We came a long way to enjoy what we enjoy today. I don't know what a guy would have done after condomless anal sex in the past.. flowing water was not readily available and it could lead to an infection that requires antibiotics to treat. Maybe their immune system was able to fight it off since their immune system was much stronger?

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