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Guest hitoallusa

Cultural difference

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hi, the link doesn't work any longer. But I did read the article from another source: http://www.npr.org/blogs/thetwo-way/2013/04/23/178650537/bill-gates-handshake-with-south-koreas-park-sparks-debate

I do think that he should have been a bit better informed about customs and cultures of important dignitaries he is meeting (or for that matter non-dignitaries in general). I did a fair amount of international travel for business and it was pretty much std operating procedure for me to get a primer on basic dos and don'ts for the country I was visiting so as not to inadvertently insult anyone. Such an easy issue to avoid and being clueless isn't an excuse, imho.

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Guest FourAces

I do agree with Wayout someone in his group should have given him the proper information so that did not happen. However, it seems as if the press has made it a bigger deal than it really was.

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